The Blind Side Movie Review


Movie Name: The Blind Side
Director: John Lee Hancock
Genre: Drama/Narrative
Country: America, Canada
Language: English

The Blind side  is a American biographical movie which is directed by John Lee Hancock and was released in November 20, 2009. The film is about the life story of Michael Oher, American football offensive lineman. The captivating piece is about the changes and impact  the white privileges have on  a African American’s life who’s homeless and has a talent foot ball when he gets adopted by Caucasian family.

The movie centers around a African American young boy Michael. It starts off with showing how troubled the life of young Michael is, he has no friends and is extremely shy which affects his social and academic activities. The other main reason to his low self esteem is his problematic background and his distinct physical appearance, Michael is a big and tall boy. He lived in very dangerous neighborhood and had no hopes of any future despite his marvelous foot ball skills. But all this changes when he gets enrolled to a nice high school and catches the attention of a strong minded interior designer Leigh Anne whose children also study at the same high school.

Leigh Anne observes that despite Michael’s odd behavior and reserved attitude, he is a very decent and wise boy  and wants to help the boy. After some serious trust building and thinking the family decides to adopt Michael and help him overcome the difficulties and problems academically and athletically. In time Michael’s life changes due to the support of his new family and determination. 

This movie clearly shows how the life of a person can change if they are given the right privileges and the right environment. It also focuses on the injustice and prejudice people face just because the color of their skin is different. Sandra bullock played the role of Leigh Anne perfectly and Delivered  a noteworthy performance. Along with Sandra, Quinton Aron who plays the role of Michael Oher also displayed and expressed the different range of emotions felt in different situations so nicely that it made the audience sympathize with his character and understand the characters situation.

It was a perfectly directed movie which captured each and every emotion and situation the characters go through. I loved how they show  that the change starts from where it is least expected, Liege Anne a strong and independent white woman contradicting and fighting every prejudice her social circle has in order to do something which actually holds meaning. It was a great movie with some serious life  lessons.
