Farha Movie Review


Movie Name: Farha
Director: Darin J Sallam
Genre: Drama/Narrative
Country: New Zealand Australia
Language: English, Palestinian, Arabic

Inspired by true events the movie Farha is a film by Darin J sallam which was released in the year 2022 tells us the tragic and traumatic events of Al-Nakba ( the catastrophe) in Palestine in 1948 through the eyes a young girl named Farha.

This movie tells us about the heart breaking story of the young girl Farha. It start off with showing how the girl named Farha played by the actress is passionate about perusing her dreams of studying and to do so she wants to move to the city to continue her studies. Looking at her daughter’s strong will and determination Farah's father who is also the mayor of their village allows her and decides to let her go  to the city despite the social norms of their village.

But all hopes and dreams are crushed one day when the soldiers attack their village and all hell breaks loose. The village becomes the centre of chaos  and destruction. The tragic sequence of Farha’s life begins. First she looses the companion ship of her friend when they get separated from each other because her friend has to leave with her family due to the attack. After that Farha’s father hides her in the store room of their house in order to protect her and then leaves her with the promise of coming back to get her which never happens. 

After being trapped in her hide for many days she experiences the worst days of her life when a family takes refuge in their house. Farha tries to call them for help but before she can get any the soldiers come back along with a man from their own village who apparently deceived the village and spayed on them. The following scenes of the movie were not only tragic but also traumatic. The family despite their efforts of trying to hide from soldiers get killed by them. The man turns out to be her uncle whom she adores.

Farha watches all of this happen through the holes in the door. The pure agony through which she goes can be felt deep inside our cores. The painful loose of her father, the murder of the family and the slow painful death of newborn baby whom she just saw come in the world from behind these same doors a few hours ago. After all this ends and the soldiers leave, she comes out with the help of a gun that she finds in one of the sacks inside the store room. The movie ends with her walking away from the village.

This movie was the most difficult movie I have ever seen because of how utterly heartbreaking it was. The whole cast of the movie was marvelous and delivered their roles perfectly. They made us connect with the movie and made us feel exactly how the events have passed. Darin is a great director, she captured every detail and delivered them in all the scenes to make sure that the viewers can feel each and every emotion perfectly that the girl was feeling. This movie showed us the cruelty which the people of Palestine when through at the time of Al-Nakba, all the pain and lose they had to face and endure. 

